Ajinomoto Health & Nutrition North America, Inc.

Ajinomoto Health & Nutrition North America, Inc.

New NIR Capabilities Deliver Quick Nutritional Value Analysis in Feed and Feed Ingredients for Customers

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Eddyville, IA – July 19, 2021 In direct response to the constantly evolving needs of our broad customer base, the Solutions & Ingredients Division of Ajinomoto Health & Nutrition is excited to announce the implementation of  FT-NIR capabilities (Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectroscopy) in the Analytical Amino Acid Laboratory in Eddyville, IA. The laboratory capabilities have been developed to fully characterize the amino acid profile of corn, soybean meal, and Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS). 


Feeding programs utilizing FT-NIR technology allow the nutritional value of feed and feed ingredients to be determined in a quick and simple manner that generates actionable information to minimize economic losses and thus improve profitability. Additionally, FT-NIR instrumentation offers several advantages (i.e. higher resolution, better wavelength accuracy, higher signal energy, better stability, and repeatability) compared to disperse infrared instruments. 


“We will continue to perform our traditional AOAC validated procedures to characterize amino acid concentration of feed and feed ingredients, which will serve as the backbone for our FT-NIR capabilities as we validate our calibrations continuously.” Says Jose Soto, Ph.D., Manager of Monogastric Nutrition at Ajinomoto Health & Nutrition.  Dr. Soto has been leading the project since its fruition, utilizing his expertise to expand our capabilities in order to drive significant value to customers.  


For more information about our FT-NIR capabilities or general inquiries, please email publicrelations@ajiusa.com.


Animal Nutrition

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